The 9-piece image border is a cornerstone tool for theme design

The 9-piece image border is a cornerstone tool for theme design
Getting started guide for IntelliJ developers
Create or customize a theme for your application
Understand the complexity of phone/tablet images
Versioning allows us to build against a point release and get stability/consistency over time
Determine where components are placed especially when dealing with varied screen sizes/orientations
Codename One unifies the push architecture for the various platforms under a single API
The source is useful for debugging on device, looking under the hood and writing native interfaces
Great UI needs great navigational interface
Build apps that run in PC’s and Macs
How to integrate native iOS, Android etc. functionality into your Codename One app without sacrificing the portability of the whole app
Infinite lists of items are powerful tools
Codename One features seamless localization and BiDi RTL support
Track down issues that occur on the device or in production using these tools
Debugging on a device using the Android Studio IDE
Instantly preview your work on multiple devices
Networking options explained
Build without the cloud build servers
Simplify UI, Database/Storage and Parsing code
retain application data in Codename One
Getting started guide for Eclipse developers
Getting started guide for NetBeans developers
Use the sources on github, to improve your app, learn & contribute
Invoke server functionality from the client side using the Codename One webservice wizard
Signing & provisioning on iOS is a bit painful, hopefully this will aleviate some of the pain
Review of the simulator tools for network monitoring, performance monitoring etc.
Event/variable handling in the Codename One GUI builder is a bit different from typical desktop development
Covers the basics of “what is slow” and how to find out what is bogging down your app
Using the capture API to take a picture
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