Executive Overview
Codename One is a one of a kind solution that allows you to rapidly get your products onto the market and easily maintain them on all platforms. It is a powerful open source solution that allows your development team to leverage their Java skills when targeting all platforms including iPhone/iPad.
Developers can quickly deliver complex solutions making use of native device features and can access native code from their Java code to allow access to every device feature. Some of the end user feature highlights used by Codename One developers include:
Pull To Refresh
Side swipe menus
Swipeable components, tabs and containers
100% fully themeable
Native web browser integration and Java-JavaScript bridge
Maps with layers and full customizability, native map integration with Google Maps
Complex and highly animated charting
True type fonts
Camera – capture video or photos & access the device gallery
Payment/purchase API works both with device in-app-payments and with credit card payments
Video playback in app or full screen
Social integration (facebook) including like button and share button
Analytics (google analytics, seamless integration) + 3rd party analytics
3rd party extension libraries
Ads – both full screen and banner ad support
L10n – seamless localization of applications, update languages on the fly
Push notifications, email & SMS integration
XML, JSON, CSV parsing
Device calendar
RSS feed reader
and much much more…
The main benefit of Codename One development is in shortened development cycles, easy maintenance costs and developer training.
Build & Cloud Server Power
Codename One has a unique build server architecture that allows building native apps for iPhone without requiring a Mac and for Windows Phone without requiring a Windows machine. All of the setup of complex tools and installations is alleviated thanks to the build server.
The Codename One Cloud services simplify the process of development further by making some functionality such as object cloud storage completely seamless and infinitely scalable. It allows push notification to work on all devices with a considerably simpler setup than any other option out there.